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Spices & Code

A Journey through Life and Tech

Unlocking Effective Learning - An Introduction to the 5Di Framework

In the article How People Learn, we discussed the affective context model and the importance of emotions and concerns in our lives. In this article, we will explore how we can apply this theory to leverage learning in organisations using the 5Di framework.

Building a Monitoring Pipeline For Directus
software,  directus 

I had the privilege of crafting a guest article for Directus last month. Directus advertises itself to be "The backend to build anything or everything". At first glance, the application appears to be a powerhouse DB admin interface. It dynamically generates REST and GraphQL endpoints for every table, boasting robust features such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), and authentication, including Single Sign-On (SSO). If that were the extent of it, it would be like Hasura; however, Directus extends beyond these capabilities, offering nearly endless possibilities to extend the application and the api.

How People Learn

Learning in organisations is at crossroads. While some manage to establish a culture where employees are enabled to explore, learn new abilities and share, others fail to set cornerstones. This multi-part series seeks ways to put these cornerstones in place so organisations and people can thrive. In this first article, we review the book "How People Learn" by Nick Schackleton-Jones and his affective context model theory.